About Keith Bennett
Exceptionally experienced

With 25 years’ experience as an electro-technical systems engineer in the steel, plastics, tobacco, timber and marine industries, Upper Hutt-based photographer Keith Bennett currently works with Upper Hutt City Council (UHCC) to showcase local businesses and the Upper Hutt region. Born in London, he moved to New Zealand when he was ten years old and now enjoys living in Upper Hutt.
Having lived and worked around the world, Keith has been presented with many photographic opportunities including time amongst ancient mountain-top villages in Spain, and four years aboard super-yachts – swimming with Manta rays in the Andaman Islands and photographing whales breaching in the Dominican Republic. His photographs have been published in yachting magazines (winning three awards), pictorial calendars, marketing material for UHCC and local businesses, Track and Wheel magazine, local newspapers such as the Upper Hutt Leader and Valley Living.
Eternally optimistic

Self-taught, Keith has been interested in photography since he was at school and when starting out as an amateur he was most passionate about people and landscapes. Since then, his engineering background has stood him in good stead for mastering the technical side of photography needed for product and corporate photography. Aerial photography is one of his latest pursuits.
An eternal optimist, Keith enjoys creating something beautiful from whatever he sees – local events, people and products, iconic landmarks and scenery. He feels privileged to meet such a diverse range of inspiring people who have chosen to live and/or work in Upper Hutt.
Proud to call Upper Hutt home, Keith appreciates its diverse and beautiful city surrounded by lush parks, hills, reserves and the iconic Hutt River.
Recent history
2013 Approached by the Upper Hutt City Council, Keith has since worked closely with many departments throughout, promoting everything from what Upper Hutt has to offer, the local community and local business
2014 Proshoot Photography is born, catering to corporate &commercial clients
2015 Keith partnered with Cameron Macneil to form Realsuite Marketing challenging the status quo on real estate photography.
2016 sees the launch of Photo360.nz, Keith is owner and technical director.